Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Canonization Mass

The following morning, Oct 23rd, we attended mass in St. Peter's Square. The Square opened at 8 to the general audience and mass started at 10. We went around to the north side of the Square at around 8 o'clock and the lines outside the gates were a couple of hundred yards long, we didn't know that it opened at 8 and we thought there was a constant stream of people. We didn't think we would get a seat. But we got in line and guess what, we had to wait for John's parents to get the tickets to get in. Once we got the tickets we found some good seats quite a far ways away. We had about an hour and a half to kill so we listened to some music and watched part of Ironman. The mass was said in Latin and the booklet we received had an Italian translation we could halfways follow along with. Overall mass was about two hours long. After the homily someone jumped the railing on top of the wall and was standing on the ledge. He clearly wanted attention and kept yelling at the Pope, but he didn't respond. Officials couldn't pull him back or try to rope him in because he might have then slipped off the edge. I told Mark during the mass that I didn't want to see someone die today, and that would have been tragic if he decided to jump

Here's a story about the mass:

Here's a story on the man burning the book:


Pictures from the mass

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