Friday, November 25, 2011

Mom and Marry Arrive!

Mom and Mary arrived on Saturday October 30th. Their plane landed sometime in the morning and they made their way to Trastevere. I left my apartment at 10:30 to go find them at their last tram stop and to help them navigate to their apartment, but turns out I just ended up waiting until noon when campus opened and went to the computer lab to kill some time until they called me from a pay phone. As soon as I sat down they called and said they made it to the apartment. They stayed at a convent that was converted into a Hotel. It was really fancy inside. We met up in Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere. Santa Maria was the first sanctioned church in Rome after Christianity was made a 'lecita religio' by Constantine in 300CE. We had some pizzas and then I took them to the Flea Market. They were too tired to buy anything and all we did was look at scarves. We then walked back and had some gelato on the way. They were leaving for Sorrento - Capri tomorrow so they decided to get a nap in, then get a quick bite to eat, then back to bed. So I let them be and took my bag of stuff they brought me and headed home.

From Mom and Mary:
1. Took the train to Naples and then onto Sorrento this morning. had the hotel wake us up at 6am so we could get a good start on the day and turns out it was daylight savings so we got up at 5am!! We went to the train station and got a train to Naples then on to Sorrento, stood the whole way for 1.25 hours with l alot of other people on the local train to Sorrento. Ask us bout the turkish ticket hustlers in the train station, too long to get into now, also the cheap jersey girls who tried to go on the fast train for 10 euro that cost us 45 euros. (Hannah so Jerseylicious). Got a fresh sandwich in Sorrento with prosciutto fresh mozzarella and another cheese, bread and olives and a bottle of wine for lunch for 11 euro. Got on the last shuttle to the hotel and ate lunch on the patio and drank a bottle of wine. We cannot get to Positano- Amalfi coast as the bus cant get through there is a huge boulder in the road, had a rock slide. We can taxi there for 80 euro but would rather spend it on supper tonight back in Sorrento taking the free hotel shuttle back to there. Enjoying seeing Andrew and will update of Rome tomorrow.

2. We just arrived back from Capri and took bus right to Andrew's. He picked up tickets to the Vatican General audience for us and we have in hand now. We took a 5 minute walk to the Vatican and got the lay of the land. Sorrento and Capri were great! The hotel we stayed in Sorrento was really nice on the website and we were happy to find out was awesome in real life too. Today on the way to Andrew's we ran into the couple that we met in on our flight from Mpls. It was so weird, they were walking into their hotel. What are the chances of that? Andrew's roommate just got back from a long weekend in Greece. Children don't read this: Andrew's roommate came back with a bandage hand. He was cliff diving under the influence naked and had his flip flops on his hands. Upon impact he may have broken his finger/hand. May affect his international studies. It's 11:00 now and we have to head back to check back in at the convent!

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