Sunday, September 18, 2011

Da Beach

Sunday morning we got up bright and early to go surfing in Ostia. John had the bright idea of coordinating a trip to the beach to go surfing. He supposedly lined everything up with the surf school and booked us a time to go surfing. A group of us met a Piazza Trilussa right by campus at 9 o'clock.  We got out a map and looked at what train we needed to take to get there. It looked to be about a half and hour train ride. We walked down the Tiber to our Train stop and bought our biglietto. And we were off. We were instructed by the train teller to take the train all the way to the last stop and the surf school would be somewhere close by. We were a little leary because the last four stops on the bus line had the wave symbol which means they would be by the Mediterranean.

We went all the way to the last stop like the teller said and everyone there was getting on a shuttle bus so we hopped on too. It took us a couple of miles up the coast. When we got off we followed the signs to the free beach. We changed into our suits then looked for the surf school. John asked a woman at the beach where the surf school was and she just laughed at him.. It was a couple of train stops back about a half an hour from where we currently were. John Fail. We then just decided to stay put for the day and just swim.  We swam for a couple hours and grabbed a salami sandwich at a ristorante for lunch. Take a look below at some of the photos from the beach.

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