Saturday, September 17, 2011

Iowa vs. Iowa State

Last weekend we went to a local bar to watch the Iowa vs. Iowa State game. We showed up a little early to get a good seat and maybe get something to eat. Mark knew someone from ISU's College of Design so we knew there would be a couple of other fans there to watch the game. I guess ISU has a campus here in Rome for Design students studying Graphic Design, Interior Design, and Architecture. They regularly send 50-60 students over every semester from Ames.

Walking to the bar John already started talking smack so I thought I would bet him, what do I have to lose.. I was just hoping the Cyclones kept it close. So we put a little alcoholic be on the line. Soon as we made the bet John was wondering if I would buy him shots to get the bet out of the way since he was so confident that Iowa would win.. I just let him keep talking cause that's what he's best at. When we showed up we met up with some fellow classmates and we found where the game would be played so we grabbed the best seats available. There were about 25 ISU students at the bar. The bar was getting full so we still had time to move around. John ordered some barbecue wings and we watched the beginning of the Wisconsin vs. Oregon State game. They had technical difficulties getting the game to stream onto the big screen so I was updating everyone on my iTouch. I would have to turn it on and check the score every 15 minutes and turn it back off so it wouldn't die.

Finally they got the game on the screen around the second quarter and it was a pretty close game, something like 10-10. The whole second half was back and forth and the Cyclones were up most of the game. The atmosphere at the bar was pretty intense! Some of the design students taught some of the locals some chants and the school song. John found some people of his color in a corner of the bar, there were only like four other Iowa fans there.

Midway through the fourth quarter our stream got cut off and we didn't know what was going on.. We had to rely on a couple of iPhones and John's Iowa fans' computer for updates. The Hawkeyes scored and the two point try was successful and the Cyclones now have to score a touchdown and XP to tie it! We kept checking the score updates as frequently as we could hoping the stream would come back on the internet. Somehow the Cyclones scored, we didnt' know how, but it was tied up and going into overtime! Feele the Steele.

The stream came back up and the bar erupted! We got the game back on just in time for overtime. Iowa scored first in the first overtime and the Cyclones matched it. The Cyclones then scored first in the second overtime and all they had to do was hold them to win. The Hawkeyes scored a TD and now it was headed into the third overtime. Cyclones hold the Hawkeyes to a FG, now all the Cyclones have to do is score to win.. Sometime during the third overtime our stream is cut off again and we had to check for updates yet again.I was the first to notice that Iowa State had scored and showed my iPod to Mark.

The place was about to go nuts! Iowa State just beat Iowa and we couldn't be there to rush the field.. Whatever, cause we won and the twenty or so ISU students at the bar went crazy. Looks like John is going to have to pay up this time. We took some quick pictures and John was no where to be found. I'm pretty sure he bolted to the back alley to start sulking. The link below is a album to some of the pictures that were taken after the big W. The last picture is straight off of ESPN.

Steele Jantz is an automotive paradox, he is both automatic and clutch!!

Iowa State Fight Song

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